Memes, Miles, Memories

Welcome to JimJamsJourney, where adventures unfold and memes meet travels.

Explore, Express, Connect & Laugh

Welcome to my travel website, where adventure awaits you at every turn! Our focus is on adventures, not holidays, you can do that when you are dead. My passions, other than my wife, are motorbike road trips boating adventures, with breathtaking scenic views and incredible wildlife encounters. My trips are designed to be light-hearted and humorous, perfect for solo travellers, romantic couples, or a group of male friends. We've got you covered whether you're seeking a thrilling adventure or a relaxing getaway. So come and join me in my remaining cats’ lives, and remember: the only thing more dangerous than a wild animal is a bored one!

Watch My Sharing Skills Evolve

Lets see how the blogs, vlogs and videos of this journey evolve from downright rubbish to hopefully bringing a smile or even a laugh to your day. I am selfconcious about doing this but realise I have so many stories to share that I hope will be entertaining.

I Am Abivert

The most widely accepted personality types are introversion and extroversion, with ambiversion being a term used to describe individuals who exhibit traits of both introversion and extroversion. Ambiverts are thought to have a balance of social and solitary tendencies, and may feel comfortable in both social and solitary situations.